Face coverings must be worn by coaches, support staff, and observers at all times within the park.
Players must wear a face covering when not actively playing on the field (ex. in the dugout, team meetings, walking around the park, etc)
Limitations on Observers: CDPH Youth Sports Guidance recommends observation of youth sports for immediate household members only, and for the strict purpose of age-appropriate supervision. This includes observation of practice and competition. We are recommending that families limit the number of observers to ensure physical distancing can be maintained, reduce potential park crowding, and maintain outdoor capacity limits. If siblings attend, please have them stay with a parent.
Observers should maintain at least 6 feet distance from non-household members.
If anyone tests positive for COVID-19, or has been in close contact with someone with COVID-19, they should notify their physician and their coach. Coaches will then follow the Bel Passi COVID protocol for reporting.
No one with symptoms of COVID-19, or who is in isolation or quarantine for COVID-19, is permitted to attend practices or games as a player or as an observer.
No sharing of drink bottles or other personal items and equipment.
No spitting or sunflower seeds. This includes on the field, in the dugouts, and in common areas of the park.
No high-fives or handshakes.
Minimize huddling of players and/or huddling with coaches, maintaining physical distancing whenever possible.
When essential equipment is shared: Balls or other necessary objects or equipment may be touched by multiple players during practice and play if hands are washed, or hand sanitizer is used upon entering and leaving dugout. Dugouts are stocked with hand sanitizer.
All coaches, players, families, and guests that enter our park must complete a COVID waiver. This includes both adults and minors, no matter the person's age, length of park visit, or relationship to player. Each adult will need to complete an individual form. Minors will be included on their parent/guardian's form. The waiver covers our full season, and only needs to be completed one time for each person. The waiver can be found at the link below. Please complete the waiver as soon as possible, and share as needed with those who may attend games. COVID-19 Liability Release Waiver